E. Stewart (Stew) Peever Memorial Award
Lion Stewart (Stew) Peever was a member of the East Kildonan Lions Club for nearly thirty years. An avid supporter of the Lions Eye Bank Program and ardent fundraiser right up to the time of his passing in 1986, Lion Stew was dedicated to his community by helping those less fortunate. To honour the exceptional contribution Lion Stew Peever made in our community and, in particular, to the work of Lions Eye Bank Program and tissue donation, an award in his name was established in 1987. The Stew Peever Memorial Award is presented annually by Lions Foundation of Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario to a Lion, Lioness, or member of the public who has demonstrated unselfish devotion and dedication in support of the Lions Eye Bank Program.

Stew Peever Memorial Award (1987 – 2022)
Lion Stewart (Stew) Peever was a member of the East Kildonan Lions Club for nearly…
An estimated 5.59 million more have an eye disease that could cause sight loss.