Helping Hands

Helping Hands

Lions Foundation Helping Hands Program strives to ease the financial burden many families face when dealing with medical issues that are not covered by Provincial Health Care.

We provide financial assistance for:

  • Expenses incurred related to out-of-town travel for medical treatment
  • Obtaining mobility equipment, prosthesis, and medical appliances
  • Physical rehabilitation therapy

Who is eligible?

Applicants must demonstrate a financial burden faced due to expenses related to medical treatment, program, or equipment. Statement of Assessment from Revenue Canada as well as supporting documentation from a doctor, case worker, or social worker is required.

How To Apply

1. Complete application form.

2. Include supporting documentation from the doctor, case worker, or social worker.

3. Include the most recent Statement of Assessment from Revenue Canada.

4. Submit the above documentation to your community Lions Club or to Lions Foundation of Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario offices.

Once all the documentation has been submitted, the application will be reviewed by the local Lions Club along with a committee from Lions Foundation, and a decision will be made to approve or deny the application. Decisions typically take up to two weeks. Applicants will be notified by the Lions Foundation office.

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An estimated of 54% Canadians aged 40 to 79 (8.2 million) had at least mild hearing loss

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